Build an AWS resource Tracker using shell scripting

Build an AWS resource Tracker using shell scripting

Hello #techbhairavi followers, I am sharing a beginner project step-by-step procedure to build an AWS resource tracker using shell scripting.


  • To monitor the AWS Resources using automation.

  • We can save output locally or send it to an external dashboard.

  • The script should run itself at a particular time so, we set up a Cronjob on a Linux server.


  • AWS Access Key

  • AWS CLI bash console.


  1. Connect to EC2 instance on Linux terminal.

ssh -i /Users/testing/Downloads/aws_testing_key.pem ubuntu@

(enter your key-pair path and public IP address of the EC2 instance)

  1. Configure your credentials to communicate with AWS.

Run "aws configure"

AWS Access Key : #################

AWS secret access key: #############################

(Generate the key from AWS console Go to security credentials > Access Keys)

  1. Create a script file named




# Author: Bhairavi

# Date: 12th-sept

# version: v1

# This script will report the AWS resource usage


# we will be listing the following:

# AWS S3


# AWS Lambda

# AWS IAM Users


# To list S3 bucket,

echo "Print list of S3 buckets"

aws s3 ls

# List EC2 Instances

echo "Print list of EC2 Instances"

aws ec2 describe-instances

# List Lambda

echo "Print list of lambda function"

aws lambda list-functions

# List IAM users

echo "Print list of IAM users"

aws iam list-users

:wq! (save and exit)

(for aws cli commands check out

  1. Update the permission of file

chmod 777

  1. Run the script


  1. Use set -x ,

set -x is used to enable debugging for the current shell session within a script.

(Ex: #!/bin/bash

set -x

  1. To list only the instance id, We can run the following command in the shell script under EC2 details

aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '.Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId'

  1. We can redirect the output of a command into a file

ex: aws s3 ls > resourcetracker

  1. Automating execution with crontab

To further streamline the resource tracking process we can automate script execution with crontab. Ex: you can schedule the script to run daily at 7 PM Here's how you can do it:

Run " crontab -e"

0 19 *** /path/to/

Leverage the AWS Resource Tracker script to stay organized, maintain your AWS resources, and enhance your resource management practices.

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